Best­Li­te has been in con­ti­nuous pro­duction sin­ce 1930. Win­ston Chur­chill is num­be­red amongst its many famous users. The Best­Li­te design was con­cei­ved by Robert Dud­ley Best who was hig­hly influ­en­ced by the Bauhaus.

Eigh­ty years on, the Best­Li­te design stays clo­se to its indu­stri­al roots and true to its ori­gi­nal design. Best­Li­te is held in per­ma­nent col­lections at both the Victo­ria & Albert Muse­um and the Design Muse­um in Lon­don. Loved by archi­tects, desig­ners and design afi­cio­na­dos throught its 80-year history, today, Best­li­te enjoys glo­bal ico­nic sta­tus. (from