On dis­play at Mota Ita­lic Gal­le­ry Novem­ber 16th – Decem­ber 22nd, 2012

Chromeography Opening Night

Pho­to by Mota Italic

If you, like me, enjoy well craf­ted vin­ta­ge typo­grap­hy and hap­pen to be in Ber­lin, you should defi­ni­te­ly stop by Mota Ita­lic Gal­le­ry for a smoo­th selection of fine type exhi­bi­ted by Step­hen Coles and the Chro­meo­grap­hy group. I’m proud to say that my hum­b­le type blog mana­ged to get a spot the­re as well with this.

Mota Ita­lic
Novem­ber 16th – Decem­ber 22nd, 2012

Schlie­mann­straße 34
10437 Ber­lin, Germany