Pauli­ne Dras­bæk and I have been aro­und the neig­h­bour­hoods of Copen­ha­gen. Seven bra­ve locals ope­ned their door to be pho­to­grap­hed in their homes. Their portraits are now hiding behind the doors on “Byens Hegn” at Kon­gens Nytorv – the fen­ce that sur­ro­unds the Metro con­struction site.

Many thanks to Jóhan, Karen, Mor­ten, Nou­ra, Ophe­lia, Pia & Sky­ler, and the fan­ta­stic stu­dents from Prak­tik­cen­ter TEC and Sned­ker KTS Prak­tik­cen­ter Her­lev.