September 26, 2013No Comments

Mads knipser – the book

For over five years I’ve pho­to­grap­hed let­te­ring, signs and tags, and publis­hed them on my blog ‘Mads knip­ser’. Now I’ve desig­ned a book with a lot of the best. Over 100 pages of typo­grap­hi­cal snaps­hots, most­ly from Copen­ha­gen, but also Amster­dam, Ber­lin, Cairo, Dub­ai, Mála­ga, New York, Paris and Lis­bon. Over 160 pho­to­grap­hs showing many of the diver­se expres­sions & designs the writ­ten word can contain.

The book is 30 x 30 cm.

104 pages.
1,5 kg.

Feel free to con­ta­ct me for furt­her information.


November 26, 2012No Comments

Chromeography in Berlin

On dis­play at Mota Ita­lic Gal­le­ry Novem­ber 16th – Decem­ber 22nd, 2012

Chromeography Opening Night

Pho­to by Mota Italic

If you, like me, enjoy well craf­ted vin­ta­ge typo­grap­hy and hap­pen to be in Ber­lin, you should defi­ni­te­ly stop by Mota Ita­lic Gal­le­ry for a smoo­th selection of fine type exhi­bi­ted by Step­hen Coles and the Chro­meo­grap­hy group. I’m proud to say that my hum­b­le type blog mana­ged to get a spot the­re as well with this.

Mota Ita­lic
Novem­ber 16th – Decem­ber 22nd, 2012

Schlie­mann­straße 34
10437 Ber­lin, Germany

April 17, 2008No Comments


For­le­den var jeg på lop­pe­mar­ked. Et af de sto­re, hvor sæl­ger­ne er pro­fes­sio­nel­le, og iklædt feri­e­hat, vest og gam­mel dansk står på udkig efter næste god­mo­di­ge hand­ler, som gla­de­ligt beta­ler for meget for noget andre har smidt ud eller udån­det fra.

Her faldt jeg over et bro­de­ri i glas og ram­me, hvor et ven­ligt men­ne­ske sir­ligt hav­de ind­fan­get et helt alfa­bet. Totalt blot­tet for kron­hjort var det; der var kun skrif­ten. Jeg tænk­te at den var ide­el som pixel-skrift. Og Fonts­truct er til­fæl­dig­vis ide­el at lave pixelskrift­ty­per i.

Og nu er den her — til dig. Lige til at down­lo­a­de. Vær­s­go.

- — — — — — — — — — — -

The other day I was at the flea mar­ket. Here I came across an embroi­de­ry that neat­ly cap­tu­red an enti­re alp­ha­bet. I thought it was ide­al for as a pixel font. And Fonts­truct hap­pens to be ide­al for con­structing pixel fonts. 

And now it’s here — for you. Down­lo­ad it if you wish.
